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Milla Molsa arrived from Finland on Tues., Aug. 9, and stayed
with Pam Hursh's family for her first four month followed by four months with the Jeters.
For her last part of her year, she is staying with Bob Starr's family.
She's enjoyed a trip to Chicago, the Renaissance Festival, a Twins game, and some visits at Rotarians' homes.
She's interested in trying many new things during her stay here and has a special interest in dance and theater.
To schedule "Milla Molsa Moments", please contact Bob Starr at 952-934-6933 or Jeff Olson at 952-270-1429.
At the Ethics Lunch on April 12, Milla shared her views on her year so far:
“Hello, I am Milla Molsa and I am a foreign exchange student from Finland and I am here with the Rotary Youth Exchange Program. My host club is Eden Prairie Morning and I go to Eden Prairie High School.
The Rotary Youth Exchange program gives high school students the possibility to live and study abroad. Rotary Youth Exchange has connections to over 80 countries all over the world so the options are great. You will be living with 2-4 host families during your year who will eventually became as close to you as your real family in your home country. You will be also going to school at the local high school. During your exchange you will be learning a new language or really improve the one you are already studying.
A year as a foreign exchange student really broadens your world and gives you a whole new perspective on life and your surroundings. International experiences like this will provide you and the people around you with great international understanding.
As a Rotary Youth Exchange Student you will act as a youth ambassador for your home country and observe the culture of your host country at the same time. This will really make you notice the differences and the similarities between home and abroad and make you aware how amazing and small the world really is.
I have been here in the US for 8 months now and I can tell you that this has been the best decision I have ever made. I want to thank Rotary and everyone involved for making this possible. Open up your mind, be ready for new experiences, have a lot of fun and conquer the world. We are making the world a better place, one exchange student at a time.''