Year End Celebration and Gavel Transfer
President's Thank Yous & Passing of the Gavel - John Crudele & Prafulla Vegunta

Join us live on Zoom anytime after 7:15AM. Meeting will begin at 7:35.

See the upcoming bulletin for the Zoom link.

This is our year end celebration and traditional Presidential transition, passing the gavel and thank yous. We'll do a quick year in review and touch on where we are and how we got there. We will thank our board, interns and share a special message of appreciation to Maureen "Mo" Mara after five years as our Club Administrator. 


We will also vote on our 2020-2021 Board Slate which is set forth below

President - Prafulla Vegunta
President Elect - Jenifer Loon
President-Elect Nominee - Elaine Larabee
Past President - John Crudele
Treasure - Kelly Salwei
Secretary - Craig Blixrud
Membership Chair - Holly Link
Public Relations - Adam Sienkowski
Club Administrator - Irene Kelly
Service Projects - Mark Weber
The Rotary Foundation - Roger Jorgensen
Social Chair - Jane McGinty
Executive Secretary & Club Administrator - Carol Kampman