Club Assembly

The 2 new members that have joined us since August, Andy and Mark, both found our club by googling ‘Rotary’. While we’re pleased they found our club attractive, we need to keep offering our position and showing how involved we are with our community as the focus of our message, as that is one of our main draws. We also need to keep our social media up to date, and spread the word–make connections, make a difference, join Rotary!
Currently, we have been starting conversations at gatherings and expos, inviting people to events, and giving free breakfast at bingo. We’ve had great conversations but gained no new members. What are other clubs using? Largely the same tactics, but in a slightly more effective way. Minnetonka holds a brewery event that engages over 60 potential members by ensuring five touches to each person and increasing face-to-face combat, not just having conversations during events or meetings. This more personal approach is something we could take on to reverse the commoditization of inspirational speakers–people will come to make connections, not just hear a speaker. Reminding others of the nonreligious and nonpolitical nature of our club is also a great incentive.
Another strategy we could implement is circling back to former or inactive members, reminding them that we only meet once every two weeks now and meetings don’t have to be made up if missed. Checking in on these members, having reunions, and reaching out to offer connections could help us learn why they left and how we can incentivize them to return. Additionally, holding entrance interviews, exit interviews, and interviews with current members could help show off the club and focus on what we need to change through conversations rather than impersonal surveys. If we focus on turning people from fans to raging fans, our current members will become more dedicated and interested, and are more likely to invite their friends to Rotary events. After all, Rotary is now more open than ever–you don’t need to be retired, have worked in business, own your own company, or be a professional to join
Vocational: Tim Connors

- Shelly from the Excelsior/Lake Minnetonka Rotary club will be coming in February to tell us about an upcoming Alan Page event.
- Bill will be attending the NCPET (North Central President Elect Training Seminar) on February 23, 2024 in Eagan.
- February 29—Swallowship at 5:00pm at Hackamore Brewery in Chanhassen
- March 28—our next Bingo fundraiser will be at 7:00pm at Fat Pants.
- April 20—Eco Expo!
Happy Fives
- Bill Gaddis is happy to be President of our Club! He thanks Dan O’Brien for helping him with the transition to the Presidency. Bill also congratulates our intern Kate on her perfect ACT score!